,,May you always have work for your hands to do. May your pockets hold always a coin or two. May the sun shine bright on your windowpane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you. And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.'' - Neo's favorite Irish blessing -:)



2014.08.30 18:42
Pécs. Utánozhatatlan. Megismételhetetlen. Varázslatos. Kedves. Mosolygós. Napos. Szeles. Nevetős. :) Újabb félév kezdődik, újabb kihívások, újabb esélyek, újabb történetek. Nincs is nagyobb ajándék, mint alkotni egy olyan városban, ami szomjazza a tudást. De nem ám csupán a lexikálisat! Nem! Hanem...
2014.08.26 09:06
ENGLISH PART It is hilarious. To watch these videos are one of the best parts of my days lately. :D To find a really good cause without flaws are rare. I am not here to judge 'alsa.org'. I am here to share this funny thing and make you feel good in your skin and find something to laugh about. :)...
2014.08.13 08:58
ENGLISH PART We all need to hear about other people going through the same situations like us. We all need to hear about how they find out solutions and how they move on. Life is for the living. It is tough but indeed it is beautiful. We all need to see the miracles again, to see how important each...
2014.08.12 10:02
ENGLISH PART Robin Williams lived a wonderful life. He gave so much to us, I can not imagine what or who made him decide this way. :'( I am very sad but I choose to focus and remember Robin Williams' life not his death. His movies were too funny to bear! :D My little brother & I, we laughed so...
2014.08.10 13:25
ENGLISH PART To be a part of my favorite band - Korn's new music video - 'Hater' is like a duty to fulfill. I mean Korn has always been there with me and for me so now it is time to pay back. Love goes around and comes around. :) We all have met and still meet those people who hate us for no real...
2014.07.25 12:12
ENGLISH PART I have written a 'self-help' book, back in 2012, which I want to publish next month. I need to go through it very carefully and see what else can I add to the picture. I wrote this one in English, to help as many people as I can with it. To see the light, to notice the path in front of...
2014.07.22 12:31
ENGLISH PART My advice about 'how to write a script?' is just this: start writing one! :D I did. I wrote my 'Irish Moon' in 2013 for the 'Academy Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting'. It is my Part 1 from a Werewolf - Superhuman - Soldier - Irish Saga. A trilogy. Now I decided to continue it with...
2014.07.22 12:11
HUNGARIAN PART Elkészült a folytatás! Hivatalosan július 11-én! Július 14/15-én lett elbírálva Amerikában, javítottam formailag, amin kellett, és a borítóterv is sokkal komolyabbra sikeredett! /ala ezúttal látszom is/ XD Hosszú utazás ez az Élet, minden lépés fontos, minden lépés számít és mindig...
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