,,May you always have work for your hands to do. May your pockets hold always a coin or two. May the sun shine bright on your windowpane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you. And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.'' - Neo's favorite Irish blessing -:)
2014.05.21 16:22
Itt az ideje, hogy megint magyarul vegyem számba a szót, vagyis közvetítsem kezeimmel a fekete billentyűzet felé. Mert hiszen: ,,Több dolgok vannak földön és égen, jó Horatio, mintsem bölcselmetek álmodni képes."! ;)
Adva vagyon egy bordó plüssmaci, akit kereken száz forintért vett nekem a Héjam,...
2014.05.19 09:54
Time to cheer up because the Sun is finally shining and the warmth of this morning got me. My eyes woke up faster and I realized that I want to be productive on this beautiful Monday! /can't believe I'm writing this down - sowwy Garfield - but it's true/ :D
I've just heard about Steven Seagal is...
2014.05.14 16:50
It's both a game and a phrase I would very much like to say to you all today. :)
The Sun is not really shining today yet I feel happy. I'm glad that I have difficulties in my Life because that is how I know I have plenty to do here and I'm not going anywhere soon. It's good to have things to solve...
2014.05.13 13:53
Most, hogy láttam a #TheWalkingDead 4.évadának befejező részét, kielemeztem és kiírtam magamból a megfelelő fórumokon majd' mindent, most már készen állok, hogy visszatérjek a jelenbe, Pécsre. :D
Mert zajlik itt is ám az Élet rendesen, azt hiszem van bőven mit megemlíteni. Kezdetnek mindjárt azt,...
2014.05.08 21:11
To see flashbacks of how it was during the 'prison-break', to see Hershel again...I couldn't understand it.
Rick, Carl and Michonne were doing great: learning how to build a trap for rabbits /or any other small animal in the forest/, then it was a 'waking call' that Carl wanted to save the poor man...
2014.05.02 11:07
#TheWalkingDead Season4 Episode12-13-14.
There are so many thoughts and feelings I got from these 3 episodes these days. Daryl and Beth, Sasha and Bob and Maggie, Carol and Tyrese and the girls, wow, I just became literally speechless. Everything goes the way I was about to predict it: Daryl lost...
2014.05.01 10:50
Ez mind GLAMOUR ezen a Tavaszon!!! :) Vidám a szívem és izgalmas minden egyes nap, amikor lehetőségem van megmutatni, hogy fiatal nő vagyok, aki élvezi az Életet és boldog és ragyog és kihozza a legtöbbet magából, a legegyszerűbb eszközökkel! :) Igenis fotózkodjatok /persze nem kell mindet...
2014.04.28 14:45
Whatever that means to You. Enjoy each morning when You wake up to another day. Even if You don't know what's going to be for dinner, even if You don't know who You can trust or count on, even if You don't have a job - a lover - a dog - a house - a car - a million dollar. I don't have either, yet I...