,,May you always have work for your hands to do. May your pockets hold always a coin or two. May the sun shine bright on your windowpane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you. And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.'' - Neo's favorite Irish blessing -:)



2014.04.23 16:25
Easter has gone. The Bunny too. It doesn't really matter whether you are religious or not. Easter was full of fun and it made a little positive effect on our Lives. At least I hope so. ;) What am I doing right now? Writing, of course. Each and every day is about writing, that's what I'm good at....
2014.04.18 11:21
Goood Daaay Mates! -:) Such a wonderful weather right now! My doggy snores after a long playtime, so I got my writing time! XD This song really got under my skin: 'Happy - Pharrell Williams' :D Liked the Gru2 /'Despicable Me 2'/ movie also! Crazy what funny can do! Thanks Ellen DeGeneres!!! :) I AM...
2014.04.16 16:10
'The Walking Dead'. Finally started watching the 4th Season, 4th Episode was seen today. Man, this shit is tough. Just like me & all the survivors out there. Life is heavy. Pretty fucking H-E-A-V-Y. We don't need walking dead people to know that. But to notice that, hm, we might. 'I lost my...
2014.04.14 11:42
We must start to care about our body and how we live this game called Life. There are many things and even more methods to start feeling better and we have to find our own ways. To eat wise and move our asses. It is really the last call. Wake up people! Time to care! I decided today that I want to...
2014.04.12 13:54
A 'DM' és a 'ROSSMANN' jóvoltából mégis sikerült egy parányit nekem is "glamúroznom", ezen a csodás szombat délelőttön! :D  Hihetetlenül kedvező áron jutottam hozzá a fogyóban lévő 'BB' krémemhez /-50%os áron/, ami sokat számít nekem a jelen helyzetemben. Miért használom a 'BB' krémet? Mert...
2014.04.11 19:41
Azt terveztem, hogy az elsők között szakítom át a kordont ezen a derűs pénteki napon, a pécsi Árkád bevásárlóközpontban. Láttam a lelki szemeim előtt, ahogy sorra végigjárom a kedvenc üzleteimet és beújítok 1-1 tavaszi/nyári darabot a jól bevált márkákból. Láttam magam, amint belibbenek az...
2014.04.06 12:53
Választás. Annyi mindenből lehet és kell is választani. Annyi döntés van, amit meg kell hozni. Nem csak itt Pécsett, de bárhol az országban, a világon. Választani kell, hogy gimi után hová felvételizel. Választani kell, hogy ha nem vettek fel, ahová szeretted volna, akkor hol és mit tanulsz tovább,...
2014.03.31 11:14
Brandon is my Guardian Angel for sure. He stands by me, no matter what. He is my Brother and He made my Life brighter with watching over me, protecting me and guiding me. Can't even tell how greatful I am to have met Him and been saved by Him. Brandon wants to be remembered for who He was and not...
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