,,May you always have work for your hands to do. May your pockets hold always a coin or two. May the sun shine bright on your windowpane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you. And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.'' - Neo's favorite Irish blessing -:)



2015.02.22 11:28
HUNGARIAN PART Kate Beckinsale egyszerűen gyönyörű. Legyen az egy latex 'kezeslábas' /'Underworld'/ vagy egy rózsaszínes-mályvás korhű kosztüm /'Love and Friendship' - most forog/. Annyira természetes, annyira friss és bájos, ő tényleg olyan, mint egy őzike, akit az ember legszívesebben álomba...
2015.02.21 12:59
ENGLISH PART These Women are all one of a kind. I just keep saying that because it is true. I mean, come on! Repeat after me the names: Julianne Moore, Reese Witherspoon, Marion Cotillard, Rosamund Pike and Felicity Jones. I have my personal favorite in this year's list but let it be a secret until...
2015.02.21 12:12
HUNGARIAN PART Erről most egyszerűen muszáj magyarul is írnom, annyira sebesen kergetőznek bennem a gondolatok a képek láttán! Kezdem rögtön JLo éjfekete szőrmebundájával, csipkésen is kövecskéktől csillogó miniruhájával és combfixnek is beillő csizmácskájával. Ez a nőci nem semmi, még 45 évesen is...
2015.02.20 14:53
ENGLISH PART WOMAN. She is 100% woman. Monica has all what it takes to blow our minds away. She is not simply beautiful but naturally gorgeous. She is a true actress. Wonderfully talented. She made me go crazy with 'Malena'. The first movie I saw of hers. She got me right there. Ever since I am in...
2015.02.19 18:02
ENGLISH PART It is time to talk about the 'Best Picture' nominees in this Wooden Goat Year of ours. Eight movies are contending for the highly coveted award at the star-studded ceremony, which will be hosted by Neil Patrick Harris. /I am going to heavily miss Ellen DeGeneres, I truly think &...
2015.02.19 16:52
ENGLISH PART 2015 is year of Wooden Sheep/Goat . The Year 2015 is the 4712th Chinese Year. The first day of Wooden Sheep/Goat is on February 4, 2015. Chinese New Year Day is on February 19, 2015. HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL OF YOU!!! :D Sheep/Goat is the 8th animal in 12 zodiac signs. Sheep/Goat is...
2015.02.17 14:17
ENGLISH PART Watching a movie like this gives me the chills. I mean wow. WOW! Jake Gyllenhaal is as creepy as can be. Hell yeah he deserves the attention, nomination, domination in the 'neo noir crime-thriller' era. Hats off before writer & director Dan Gilroy. He really did a great job with...
2015.02.16 12:46
ENGLISH PART He is the other half. Little me growing up, looking at this 'rubberface' and laughing like crazy. Literally laughing my head off. Couldn't stay calm and watch his movies like a proper child would do. XD Jim was & IS 'The Mask' #1994. Not the guy behind the mask. He was & IS the...
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