,,May you always have work for your hands to do. May your pockets hold always a coin or two. May the sun shine bright on your windowpane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you. And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.'' - Neo's favorite Irish blessing -:)



2015.01.14 17:22
ENGLISH PART Just wondering what was missing...then a lightning strikes: P-I-Z-Z-A!!! :D Remember? The Oscars! Hellooo! Ellen DeGeneres gave away free pizza /at least free for the movie stars/!!! I know, I know. It was the Golden Globes but still. :D Hosts were fine again, Tina & Amy are both...
2015.01.11 18:02
ENGLISH PART Everybody loves pudding & waffles. When you make it as 'Vanilla - Poppy Seed' flavoured cake, it gives you whatsoever in this world you need. Cakes have a truly magical power on every heart: human, dog, cat, rat, birdy, sheep or a Wolf. ;) Even the biggest Rocks are melting near...
2015.01.08 14:05
ENGLISH PART We humans got the awesome gift to be able to speak. We all can do it, we all can communicate with the words we choose. I call you all upon a challenge: to talk that Light in, bring it into your daily Lives! You too, who might not be able to say the things you want then draw it, show it...
2015.01.07 17:22
ENGLISH PART Life surely is on to make it up to us. Puppies are one of the Top10 listed anytime-make-me-feel-a-lot-better-living-things. I just can't stop cuddling. It's like a huge UNCONDITIONAL LOVE button has been pushed and just stucked in. :D I saw 'The Drop' few nights ago and there was this...
2015.01.06 18:33
ENGLISH PART Today is special. Not just because I have my long-long-time-havent-even-got-near-by-one-bottle of 'Cherry Coke' but because it is the Birthday of our badass-cute-awesome-cool-kind-killer #DarylDixon aka NORMAN REEDUS!!! :D HAPPY BDAY FUCKER!!! XD /with all the respect/ :D We can not...
2015.01.04 15:38
ENGLISH PART It's important to eat & drink healthy. To know what we give to our body. That's why I like the local 'Farmers Market' wherever I live. It feels good to walk around those tables and choose what I want to keep myself healthy. I want to support these people I respect very much because...
2015.01.03 18:52
ENGLISH PART We choose what we attract into our Lives. We choose what we think. We are the only ones leading our Lives. Shit happens pretty often to all of us but it's in our very hands how we react to it. We create with every thought, every feeling and most importantly with every action we make....
2015.01.02 14:44
ENGLISH PART Family is where our Life begins. The Love of our Family never ends. It just grows. Family means those people who truly care about us. Family is a group of people who are willing to take part in our Lives. Family is not only blood related. Our Family means those people who we do care...
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