,,May you always have work for your hands to do. May your pockets hold always a coin or two. May the sun shine bright on your windowpane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you. And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.'' - Neo's favorite Irish blessing -:)
2014.10.25 17:28
Kell egy hely, időnként mindenkinek. Egy hely, ahol hasonszőrűekkel találkozhat, beszélgethet. Egy hely, ahová érdemes mindig visszatérni. Egy hely, ami ugyanúgy megújul, mint minden ember. Változik, erősödik. Egy mozi, ahol valahogy más a hangulat, ahol minden sokkal barátságosabb,...
2014.10.15 19:37
I simply love how it started. Not just 'No Sanctuary' but the whole show. This was the only thing missing here, on 'world-television'. Cause it's global, just like the fans. Us. Better call it Family. Don't you EVER question that! x
God, how much I didn't like Carol in the first base....
2014.10.13 12:12
Barátság. Az egyik legszebb érzelem, amit ember érezhet ezen a Földön. Ha van legalább egy igaz Barátod, akkor olyan nagy baj már nem lehet. Megéri bízni, megéri kockáztatni, mert a Barátság mindenért kárpótol. Mindig ott van, mindig elfogadó, megértő és őszinte. Oda és vissza is....
2014.10.11 12:00
The Sun is shining. What can go wrong? Hell of a lot. But guess who cares? I do not. Why? Because I give it my best shot and let it be. It's about everything, everyday. If it's meant to be, it will be. :)
Just try to enjoy Life itself. All is well, trust me, it is. Or it is going to...
2014.10.08 18:55
It's Wednesday night. Let's count with me how many nights until we can eat our pillow or slay our meal while we get excited watching our Family & Friends - 'The Walking Dead' cast & crew in #Season5Premiere!!! Tonight, Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night, and then here...
2014.10.06 11:46
Knezić Károly, Nagysándor József, Damjanich János, Aulich Lajos, Lahner György, Poeltenberg Ernő, Leiningen-Westerburg Károly, Török Ignác, Vécsey Károly, Kiss Ernő, Schweidel József, Dessewffy Arisztid, Lázár Vilmos
Török Ignác szívrohamot kapott, mielőtt a hóhér...
2014.10.03 16:09
Pécs is the city of mist now. To be honest, it has been for quite a few days. I like it. It makes me feel calm. And I need that, oh man, I really need that right now. October makes me feel the end of this year a bit nearer than it was in September. Funny thing is it makes me feel some...
2014.10.01 12:18
Right after autumn and right before winter, here's our WALKTOBER, the 5th season!!! So close, the countdown officially started today. :D
Seasons may change but our hearts won't! Like, EVER. Deadicated to this Family, to this Team. It is forever. It is LOYALTY. :) We know how to...