#DixonSister on #Season6
This gloomy Wednesday morning I had a dream where I was in #TheWalkingDead set. It was one hell of an A-W-E-S-O-M-E dream!!! Man, how badly I wanted to stay, instead of getting up!!! Let me explain! :D
It was a huge, old building like a city hall, a public library or sg really big, I ran from door to door with #DarylDixon & #Michonne to find the way out but there were walkers EVERYWHERE!!! I mean herds, not just a couple of dozen!!! I had a sword but not a katana to copy #Michonne, mine was like what the knights must have had in Camelot - a broadsword, just a tiny bit smaller one, not that small as Bilbo's Sting thou. :P
A woman - a doctor/scientist - wanted to cure the walkers, she held hundreds of them by herself, she tied them on stretchers and gave them treatment like infusion, the walkers eyes were all bright yellow, their skin looked a bit of pink-shaded. I opened that door and got shocked because of what I saw. /reminded me of Lizzy - as an adult/ #DarylDixon had to grab me and shout at me once that we must run! :D
We ran and I cut many walkers, but I did not care or check if they were totally dead, I just cut-cut-cut them like crazy!!! It felt great, we were in a rush to escape this huge building, so I cut our way out!!! :D Yeah, I think I went 'full Shane' that time!!! Even #DarylDixon & #Michonne were looking at me like 'easy girl, they are slower anyway'. XD
Finally we got outside but on the stairs /and that was the biggest-longest one I have ever step my feet on/ were dozens of walkers again. So we kicked, pushed, cut them. I even did a double feet kick on some of them!!! :D
Then I woke up. Darnit. :P
My idea was when #Season5 started was this: there can be a #DixonSister - Katie Dixon - somewhere! That can be me! Huge fun! Great character ideas! Many many dialogues in my head already!!! :P /I am a writer, dammit/ :D
I have ideas, I want to catch up with the comics to see if there is a possibility for that!!! :D
Coming back with news again soon!!! ;)
see y'all #TWDFamily