Forget #TWD 5/13

2015.03.09 18:55


Man, this episode killed it!!! #DarylDixon had his fine part /okay, we all know he has damn fine parts but it's not THAT this time, dear fangirls/ and #NormanReedus showed us all why he got a character created just for him!!! He was so vulnerable, yet the same raw material and he gave Aaron THAT look - the suspicious n sharp, X-ray kinda look. It was so amazing between that two, I mean, come on guys! #Daryl and #Aaron can not be more different, yet! I really enjoyed their duo. Except.

Except the thing with #Buttons. That horse was so damn beautiful and they! That ended badly. Very badly. I kept hoping but I saw the signs. It's always more shocking when something innocent goes down. I can't explain why but man CAN NOT be innocent. Even kids can't. But animals? They are ALL INNOCENT. Hands down. Just pure love. They are only capable of loving us, damned humans.

How awesome-badass-fucking-cool-confident was #Carol?!!! Oh, My Goddess!!! I most definitely prefer chocolate cookies rather than being tied to a tree when walkers come to feast on me!!! XD But somehow I have a feeling that kiddo is gonna cause some problems! :S

How cute-touching-calm-intimate moment went there between #Michonne and #Abraham?!!! I loved it so much! I mean, they are both just too cool, too military, too strong for that kind of relief. It was my best warming moment. /but just after when #Daryl got to see -and soon after basically 'own' - the bike shop/

But there was one thing I still can't get over with. WAS RICK KISSING THAT BLONDIE??? I mean, why the hell would he do that?! Is there ANYBODY out there who can give a good explanation to me? Yeah, okay, I get it. He is lonely /and literally ANY chick does better than Lori/, she looks quite good, she cut his hair - wow, what a bonding?!! :D

I really AM curious what comes next!!! :D

big wolf hugs to my sweet #TWDFamily