Getting closer to 'The End' #TWD

2014.05.02 11:07

#TheWalkingDead Season4 Episode12-13-14.

There are so many thoughts and feelings I got from these 3 episodes these days. Daryl and Beth, Sasha and Bob and Maggie, Carol and Tyrese and the girls, wow, I just became literally speechless. Everything goes the way I was about to predict it: Daryl lost Beth /they were not really safe together anyway/; Sasha made up her mind and that trio survived so far /damn lucky Bob with this two amazons/; the girls died /except baby Judith/. Lizzy killed her little sister Micah...THAT was the meanest part of all - but clearly she went crazy long-long time ago /we all knew it was her feeding the walkers with mouses/. Daryl was truly unbelievable, taking care of Beth who shouldn't have came so far. I know, I know - but she really doesn't fit as a true survivor, because she has nothing of what it takes to deal with the world like it is, not like Carl does. To watch the scenes/episodes of Beth & Daryl were only worth it because of the 'soul-transformation' of Daryl. Really one of the heavy characters on #TWD.

I like how this show makes me feel. I think about a LOT of meaningful questions in this Life and I want to do it right as I have always been thinking of it. Like a samurai. Michonne became the best female character of the show for me because she has it all. Not flawless, still very human but SHE is what I call a true survivor. She deserves to live and even if it's much more painful and a thousand times harder, than becoming a walker, she has to go on and fight and believe that there is a tomorrow.

Rick and Carl also made me think, they went and still go through many many changes. At first I did not like Rick, I thought he is a loser but now /ever since he killed Shane on the farm field and went through all the craziness in the prison scenes/ I started to give him a credit. He is doing better and better. Carl scares me a bit, because he truly had to grow up pretty early and became very cold on the surface. it happens when you have to deal with adult stuff way too early and you don't need a 'zombie apocalypse' for that.

Anyway, I am excited to watch the last 2 episodes of season4, the question is only this: how am I going to bear the waiting until October??? :)

see ya'll later-slater XD