
2014.04.14 11:42

We must start to care about our body and how we live this game called Life. There are many things and even more methods to start feeling better and we have to find our own ways. To eat wise and move our asses. It is really the last call. Wake up people! Time to care! I decided today that I want to help you. Each and every one of you who is willing to follow my lead.

To be a healer is a gift. Given by birth. I used it over the past 29 years but now is the perfect time to use it as I was ment to. I can hear it now, the calling of you out there, waiting for someone who shows the way and helps you. I am that person.

I am going to give you easy ideas how to Live better! First thing is to breathe right and drink as much as you can! /not a pint of the finest Irish but water or tea/ Start each morning with a stretch and a glass of water! :)

Yoga is not that much of a mystery but you'll soon notice that! I'll teach you! :)

And remember: BREATHE!!! :)

see ya - health