Melissa McCarthy

2015.01.15 17:07


I adore this woman. She is A-W-E-S-O-M-E. Hands down. The Bestestest. :D

I laughed so hard today, watching 'Bridesmaids'. Just because of her. She had a supporting role in this movie but still. Man, I literally laughed my head off. :D She is just so pure, so natural, so funny. Her face is like the 'Book of Secrets' yet you know and love every page.

Not to mention 'TAMMY' or 'The Heat' or 'Identity Thief'!!! I mean, Melissa is a badass chick!!! She rocks this world of ours where we forgot how to laugh hard and let each & every drop of stress out!!! :D XD

I highly recommend - as a prescription from Dr.Neo - watching ALL of Melissa McCarthy's movies!!!

Go! NOW!!! XD