Rocky Balboa to me #1976

2015.04.15 18:38


'Rocky Balboa' is not just a character. He is a symbol. A hero. A man who was not afraid. Somebody who had nothing. Just like Sly when he wrote the script and starred in the movie. This story came from him. It is raw, it is true, it is full of struggle and doubts. Yet it is beautiful and so powerful. He made it. Simply because he did not give up.

The thing is this: in Life most of the times are hard. Extremely and implacably. We have no other choice but to go on. And on. Because we all were born with a purpose. Until our time comes we must keep going. It is the heaviest task but never impossible. We all can do it. Depends on us how far we get.

We must focus on what is now. The people, the things, the feelings, the thoughts. We are still here, doing what we are doing. We all have dreams and goals, we all do our best towards them. But sometimes we have to let go of control and pray for it. Now I am truly willing to do that. Life made me ready.

big wolf hugs to y'all #Creed #Sly