Survivors vs Walkers

2014.04.16 16:10

'The Walking Dead'. Finally started watching the 4th Season, 4th Episode was seen today. Man, this shit is tough. Just like me & all the survivors out there.

Life is heavy. Pretty fucking H-E-A-V-Y. We don't need walking dead people to know that. But to notice that, hm, we might.

'I lost my words' kinda feeling which happens very rare. I talk like I have at least 10 person inside of me. 'WD' makes me think and feel much more intense. I notice the things around me like ,,how can I use this - in case if the zombie apocalypse happens?".

My hero is 'Daryl Dixon' aka Norman Reedus. He is the one I can relate to. I like the way he deals with everything, the path how he finds himself. No need of any romance, he does what he has to do and he survives. Period.

see ya - surviving