Talk in the Light :D

2015.01.08 14:05


We humans got the awesome gift to be able to speak. We all can do it, we all can communicate with the words we choose. I call you all upon a challenge: to talk that Light in, bring it into your daily Lives! You too, who might not be able to say the things you want then draw it, show it or do the sign language. :)

I want those who keep on feeling sorry for themselves to think about this for a minute: you have the last chance to say something to somebody you've always wanted to talk to. Or you can cheer up a person who means a lot to you and you have to choose your last words correctly.

Don't take Life and your given time granted. Live it up each day, talk in that Light to your Lives by saying something cheerful-joyful-grateful to somebody you truly care for and love. Do it today, you might not have any more chances! /sorry for sounding a bit dramatic but I think you all need that to take it seriously/

It's important to say nice-warm-encouraging things, to show others that we are still caring, we are still here backing them up. :)

hugs to y'all sooner