First time beau & I went together to a wedding on last Saturday - on that damned 'Valentines Day'. I think it's quite useful to see how other people deal with their Lives. How two hearts - minds - bodies become one. How relatives and friends react to the 'big day'. And how some others show the real faces of their hearts. :P
I love the 'Billy Idol' song, given in my title. It was really kind of that 'White Wedding'. The bride was pregnant and so cute in her little white dress with her big belly. :) The groom was looking happy and not forced to be smiling all the way. :) I have high hopes of these two staying together in Love.
What makes most people think that we all want to have it the same way though? I am one of those who want to celebrate their differences, their craziness, their rebel spirit. :D Nothing ordinary, please! :D
If I ever-ever-ever gonna have another /yep, been-there-done-that one time already/, then it has to be just as simple as it can be, as us as it can be, as young-metal-free-happy-true-fast-crazy-loud-brave as Life is. :D
see y'all sooner