My Books
Kay Saga - the 3rd part of the Dark Fantasy Trilogy is here. Takes place where it has all began - Chicago, Illinois. Want to know more? Visit and order my book! :D
Dark Fantasy Trilogy - 1st part. Story told in Hungarian about a young woman - Kay Lee - who is a werewolf. But not just a werewolf, way more than that. Kay lives in Chicago where supernatural meets crime. As we can get a look inside her life and all the characters around her - both...
Dark Fantasy Trilogy - 2nd Part. Our werewolf meets her ancient enemy - vampires. The second book of my dark fantasy trilogy, written in Hungarian. Kay Lee's adventures continue. She rumbles in Newberry, Kyoto, Osaka and New York City. More characters, more humor & action. You...
We all need to hear about other people going through the same situations like us. We all need to hear about how they find out solutions and how they move on. Life is for the living. I give a little help, try to cheer you all up and guide you for a while. This is my way, my solutions,...
My bedtime stories in 2 languages: English (4stories) & Hungarian (5stories). For kids and adults too. My drawings help you all to see the world where you took your first steps upon. Enjoy the ride, the characters! Try to see the meaning of each story! It all was written with a...
Első, amatőr szakácskönyvem azoknak, akik szenvedélyesen szeretnek enni, nem számolgatnak kalóriákat, mégis egészséges és változatos étrendet akarnak mindennapjaikba. Az idő pénz és nem mindenki ér rá, hogy laza órákat töltsön a konyhában, ezért csak olyan alapanyagokat és fogásokat...
2014.03.18 11:52
,,mug yorkshire tea n two bacon n mushroom buttys wiv brown sauce" -:) from today morning
2013.09.12 11:30